Link to Abstract Template

Submission Guidelines

Submissions are limited to a single page, Word document, with 0.75-inch margins and 12-point font, and must include:

  • Title

  • Author(s) – presenting author in bold

  • Affiliation(s)

  • Summary of work to be presented

  • Contact information for the corresponding author, including email address

  • Research Category: although any topics related to neural tube defects are of interest and welcome, we are encouraging attendees to submit abstracts that might fall into the following categories:
    1) Advances in Genomics of NTDs
    2) Genetic and Epigenetic Models of NTDs
    3) Epidemiology and Intervention Strategies for Mitigating Comorbidities Associated with NTDs
    4) Emerging Technologies (e.g. genomics, metabolomics, imaging)
    5) Other

  • Presentation Category: anyone can submit an abstract for the conference. As in the past, there will be sessions dedicated to our trainees. So please indicate on your abstract if you are a Pre-doctoral or Post-doctoral Trainee.

  • Preferred presentation format: platform, poster

Abstracts may not include images, graphics or references.
Abstracts must be emailed as a WORD document to Xue Gu by Friday, July 1, 2022.

WARNINGThis time we mean it! It’s a deadline.  We think that there will be an abundance of great science being submitted given that we have not met for a while and have reached out to broaden our attendance.

Please be on time with your abstracts.

POSTERS: the poster board stands are 4’ X 8’.  


Poster board.jpg