Several of you have asked about potential financial support for your pre- and post-doctoral trainees. Just as we did in 2011, trainee registration will be substantially discounted ($150) in comparison with the general registration fee of $325. Registration is slated to begin in early June, at which time another email will be sent.
In addition, we usually try to gather up as much financial support as possible and use that to pay for trainee lodging and any short fall in conference fees caused by the reduced registration. Many of the conference grants and funding mechanisms we use for this do not become available until just before the conference. This means that it is a good idea to prebook travel now. At the last conference, we were able to cover the hotel rooms for all 46 trainees that were in attendance. We hope to be able to do the same this year.
If you have trainees that need financial support, please email their names and status (Pre- or Post-doctoral) to NTD 2013 <>.
Image courtesy of the Austin Convention and Visitor's Bureau